A Step-by-step Look at the PET Bottle Preforming Process – Andre Blog

A Step-by-step Look at the PET Bottle Preforming Process – Andre Blog

Ghtweight bottles are suitable for the food, beverage, cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors.
Stage 1: PET pellets transform to PET preforms by injection using a molder.
Step1: Mixing raw materials
The PET Granules are placed in the hopper of an injection molding machine.
Step 2: Injection
The PET granules get softened by pressure and heat giving them the ability to flow effortlessly and forms a solid mass that fills the cavity inside the mold’s preform by an opening. It is released from the mold preform after it has solidified and cooling.
Stage 2: PET preforms are transformed into PET bottles using expanding flow by using a molding machine
Step 1: Reheating perform
PET bottle preform is warmed.
Step 2: Preform stretch
PET Preform can be used to expand while blowing air.
Step 3: Bottle blowing
The last part of making the PET plastic bottle is to blow compressed air into the bubble for a final shape.
Step 4. Demolish
After cooling the preform in the mold, it’s then brought back to room temp after which it is removed from the mold and placed in a bottle. 2uqcbpddm5.

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