How to Make Your Own Minecraft Server – Infomax Global
The ability to personalize changes to the way you play by installing an Minecraft server. This article walks you through the steps of setting up and changing your own Minecraft server.
In order to create a server, you need access Minecraft’s server download website. The file will be available you require to set up an account. You will get up-to date versions. Make a folder, and then transfer the downloaded file to it.
Click on server.jar to open the file. Ne files will show up at the top of the page. Edit this EULA file. Change “eula=false” in “eula=true”. Select server.jar to add other documents.
The server logs will be displayed in a new window. You will receive a message acknowledging that the server has been launched successfully. Your server has now been up and running. Go back to and select the right-click icon to launch Notepad. It will display the settings for your game that you can change to your personal preferences. This includes the server name.
For you to ensure that your Minecraft changes last the longest, you must allow this window to be open in background. If you change your settings during the time that Minecraft is running shut down the file and click on the ser.jar file once more to save the changes.
It sounds complex All it requires is some practice in setting up and modifying your personal Minecraft server. Visit the video link in the above video to find out more about managing a personal Minecraft server.