Best Brunch Foods From Around the World – Thursday Cooking

Best Brunch Foods From Around the World – Thursday Cooking

Now, brunch is being celebrated around the world with diverse and tasty dishes. Every country seems to have distinct ways of celebrating brunch with regional and traditional dishes. If you’re curious about what people are eating for brunch, watch this video.

The Londoners are famous for their tough breakfasts. What is their brunch menu? A particularly tasty British brunch includes a breakfast bowl, made out of bread and egg and bacon that has been melted over the the top and in. This dish gets more spicy in Malaysia. They eat fried egg sandwiches. These crispy, crispy sandwiches are served on a sandwich roll with hot sauce.

Americans are enjoying a wide variety of choices for breakfast. There are also pancake rolls. They can be made to appear like cinnamon rolls. These pancakes are drizzled in maple syrup , and then glazed. In other parts of the States there are people eating bacon covered in pancakes on sticks. It’s truly amazing what types of tasty food items one can concoct.


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